Darcy Ummels

56 | Chapter 3 “I used to do this with some friends from the North (of the Netherlands) and from here. I showed them how much I walked.” Female, 74, osteoarthritis None expressed reticence about sharing their data with healthcare professionals, and none wished to share their data with companies, including the manufacturer of the activity tracker. “ I don ’ t think the data are privacy sensitive. If he [physiotherapist] can help me by having insight in the data, I can benefit from that of course. ” Female, 61 years, chronic pain Use of the activity tracker Participants used their activity tracker, but over time some of them forgot to wear or check it. The majority of participants did not discuss their physical activity data with their physiotherapist, though when asked, some admitted they would have liked to do so. Only a few discussed their results with their physiotherapist and created new activity goals together. The data were verbally discussed without using the activity tracker’s interface. None of the participants wanted to discuss the data during their treatment session, since they valued the treatment delivered by the physiotherapist more than any substitution of treatment by the data of the activity tracker. Another reason was that some of the participants received group therapy and did not want to request extra time from their physiotherapist. “If the physiotherapist should read out the data and explain them, that would take too much time away from my treatment” Male, 63 years, osteoarthritis Only when asked, participants thought it would be motivating to discuss the data with their physiotherapist. As this wasn ’ t the case, most did not recognize the added value of the activity tracker. “I: Would it [activity tracker] be an added value to your therapy?” “P: Yes, I don’t know what could be discussed. Well, it isn’t right or wrong. So maybe some kind of guideline, I think you have moved too little or something like that? That is always nice to hear. Whether you do something with it depends on yourself of course. I still don’t know what average is, that is a nice thing what I would like to know.” Female, 44 years, chronic pain Participants found it demotivating to deal with unrealistically high goals. Participants would have liked to create an individual goal together with their physiotherapist. Some