Darcy Ummels

66 | Chapter 3 Supplement file S3.1 Category Subcategory Number of quotes Costs of the activity tracker 1 14 Costs of a subscription 2 2 Compensation of healthcare insurance 2 3 Possession of a smartphone 1 7 Possession of a computer 2,3 14 Purchase Available and clear information about the feasibility of the trackers 1,2 5 Required instruction from physiotherapist 1,2 75 Support (helpdesk, blogs, YouTube) 2,4,5 0 Instruction Required technical skills 2,6 ‐ 8 52 Installing and receiving data from the activity tracker 1,5,7 59 Measured variables by the activity tracker 2,3,6,7,9,10 108 Interface 5 1 Accessibility 2,5 104 Wearing comfort 1,3,5,7,8,11 ‐ 13 155 Setting goals 3,8,14,15 11 Complexity 2,6,8 131 Feedback 1,3,6 ‐ 11,13 135 Characteristics of the activity tracker Robustness 2,5,13 29 Validity 5 ‐ 7,9,11 ‐ 13 11 Reliability 5 ‐ 7,9,11 ‐ 13 30 Correct functioning Technical errors 2,4 23 Interoperational 2,3,5 0 Sharing data Possibility to share data 2,4,7,12,14 8 Safely sharing data 5,7,11,13 2 Warrant of privacy 2 22 Insight into physical activity level by physiotherapist 11 12 Privacy Authorisation, authentication, license 2 0 Implementation in physiotherapy 1,2,4 49 Interface 5 0 Compliance 2,4 89 Setting goals 4,6,15 129 Choice of activity tracker 30 Use of the activity tracker Discussing results with physiotherapist 38 Added value of feedback 1,3,6,8 ‐ 11,16 184 Interest in feedback Faith in measurements and measurement procedures 2,5,7,9,13 39 *Subtopics in bold are added after the evaluation of the framework References 1. van Bommel M, Van Gisbergen T. De eerste stap zetten. De hanteerbaarheid en toepasbaarheid van activiteitenmeters.[bachelor thesis] Heerlen (Netherlands): Zuyd University of Applied Science; 2015. 2. Expertmeeting 3. Arma ğ an K, Çi ğ dem E. Design for physical activity: design aspects of wearable activity trackers. International Conference of Engineering Design; 2015 Jun 27 ‐ 30: Milano, Italy. 4. Verwey R. Get moving! Self ‐ management support using mobile technology. A counselling protocol extended with a web ‐ based coaching system to promote physical activity in patients with COPD or type 2 diabetes in primary care: the It’s LiFe! study. [dissertation] Maastricht: Maastricht University 2015.