Darcy Ummels

74 | Chapter 4 and (3) an app that provides additional feedback. Consequently, each aspect was designed in co ‐ design, described in a user manual, and tested with the elderly. Participants Participants were recruited via several local associations, such as sports clubs and social initiatives for the elderly. Participants were eligible if they were 65 ‐ years ‐ old or older and possessed a sufficient understanding of the Dutch language. The following demographic characteristics of the participants were noted: gender, age, knowledge of technology (between 0 and 10), and use of a computer, tablet, smartphone, and activity tracker (Yes/No). All participants provided written informed consent after receiving verbal and written information about the research. Design of the activity tracker Three participants were interviewed about their preferences regarding the design of the activity tracker. They were provided with six distinct activity tracker shapes and clips. They were then asked to arrange their preferences for these shapes and clips. Participants were asked to explain why they chose this sequence. The interviews were audio ‐ taped and summarised, and pictures were taken of the final sequences. Finally, based on the interviews, a clip and shape were designed. Feedback system on the activity tracker Twelve participants (two focus groups) were interviewed about feedback concepts for battery life, progress to goal, and synchronization status (Figure 4.2). Furthermore, they were asked about their opinion on how they would like to activate the feedback on the activity tracker (e.g., tapping or shaking). These interviews were audio ‐ taped and summarised. Based on the results, the feedback system on the activity tracker was adapted and implemented. Additional feedback by an application Twenty participants were asked to perform several tasks on a designed mock ‐ up app. The performance was documented by a researcher (DU). Afterward, the participants were asked about the user ‐ experience. The first 10 participants were also provided with three alternative designs (Figure 4.3), from which they could select their preference. After 10 interviews, the app was adjusted based on the feedback of these first ten participants. Based on the last 10 interviews, the app was adapted to its final version.