Darcy Ummels

76 | Chapter 4 successfully (re)designed, thirty participants used the MISS activity for 2 weeks. During this time, two personal visits and two check ‐ up calls were organized (Figure 4.4). To evaluate the success of the (re)designed MISS activity, thirty participants were asked to use the MISS activity for 2 weeks. During this period, two personal visits and two check ‐ up calls were organized (Figure 4.4). Figure 4.4 Overview of data collection during the 2 weeks test period. Abbreviation – 10MWT: 10 ‐ meter walking test. Participants Participants were recruited through convenient sampling via several local associations, such as sports clubs or social initiatives for the elderly. Participants were eligible if they were 65 years or older, had a sufficient understanding of the Dutch language, and possessed a smartphone. Participants were excluded if they had an asymmetrical gait that was observed during the 10 ‐ m walking test 36 or used a walking aid. First personal visit The first personal visit was located at a convenient location for the participant (e.g., their home). General characteristics were collected: gender, age, the highest level of education, living situation, family composition, use of technology, and their hobbies. Participants received a MISS activity, which they were asked to wear for 2 weeks, and a user manual. No further instructions about the use of the MISS activity were given. Participants were invited to call the helpdesk if they perceived any problems.