Darcy Ummels

(Re)design of a user ‐ friendly interface andevaluation of experiences in daily life | 79 4 Table 4.2 Main finding of the development and delivery phase. Characteristic Main Findings Remarks Design of the activity tracker  Activity tracker should be round  Activity tracker should be worn on one’s pants pocket with a clip  Clip should be long enough  Clip should be sturdy  Clip should be easy to put on A round shape was technically not possible, therefore a square shape was chosen Feedback system on the activity tracker  Colour of the hardware should be neutral  Battery level on activity tracker  Colour of lights on activity tracker is not important  Feedback as simple as possible  No feedback about synchronization  Feedback activation of activity tracker by tapping on tracker It was technically not possible to activate the activity tracker by tapping, therefore the activity tracker will be activated by shaking Feedback by an app  Good user ‐ flow is needed  Original design was preferred  App should work both clicking as well as swiping  Additional information screen is needed Box 4.2 About the MISS activity tracker.  The square design was worn on the pocket and secured with a clip  Algorithm outcome parameters: step count and active minutes  Users can choose whether the standing activity is included as active minutes  Feedback on battery level and progress to goal with LED lights on the activity tracker itself  Feedback is activated by shaking the activity tracker  The app shows total step count and total active minutes  The app shows a graph with the distribution of step count and active minutes during the day