Darcy Ummels

80 | Chapter 4 Table 4.3 Demographics of the included participants during the 2 ‐ week testing period. Characteristics Participants (n=28) Gender, male, n (%) 11 (39) Age (year), median (range) 69 (65 ‐ 78) Education, n (%) Secondary Education College University 3 (10) 12 (40) 14 (50) 14 (50) Living situation, Living alone Living with a partner Living with partner and child(ren) 2 (6) 23 (81) 4 (13) Housing situation, n (%) Single ‐ family dwelling 28 (100) Hobbies a , n (%) Active Passive 48 (47) 54 (53) Use of technology, n (%) Computer Tablet Activity tracker 27 (96) 24 (86) 11 (39) Operating systems smartphone, n (%) Apple Android 12 (43) 17 (57) a Each participant was asked to name four hobbies, and each activity was categorised as either active or passive. Based on the MET score, a MET score >3 was considered active. 38,39 Interviews All participants received the manual, as well as the number of the helpdesk, and were called twice. Of the 28 participants, 27 (96%) used the manual, and seven (24%) used it more than once. Five (16%) participants called the helpdesk. One participant asked a question about Bluetooth, one asked about the graphs, and one asked if he could swim with the MISS activity. Two participants had a question about installing the app. One participant did not use the MISS activity for four days since his step count and active minutes were zero. Fourteen participants chose to include standing as active minutes. Eleven (42%) participants were absolutely satisfied with the MISS activity, nine (35%) were very satisfied, four (16%) were somewhat satisfied and two (7%) participants were neutral (n=26, 2 missing participants). Eleven (42%) participants gained much more insight into their physical activity level, six (16%) gained a little more insight, and eleven (42%) did not gain any insight. One (3%) participant increased his physical activity level much, three (11%) participants increased their physical activity level a little, and 24 (86%) did not perceive any increase. One participant (3%) noticed that he divided his activities much more over the day, six (22%) participant divided their activities a little more over the day and 21 (75%) participants did not perceive any change. The results of the interviews are shown in Table 4.4.