Darcy Ummels

(Re)design of a user ‐ friendly interface andevaluation of experiences in daily life | 81 4 Table 4.4 Results of the interviews presented in categories based on a previously developed framework. Category Main findings Quote Icon Purchase of the activity tracker Those who show interest in buying the MISS activity say they want to buy it in a healthcare setting. Expect that the healthcare setting in question will have expertise in activity trackers. The app should also work on a tablet. “I think I would go to a company which is specialised and has sufficient background knowledge about it [the activity tracker] so I would go to a pharmacy”. Female, 69 years [40] Instruction and use Manual was clear. Help desk provided a reassuring feeling. “Yes, I think everybody should be able to install it I think, I can’t decide for everyone but, on average, yes”. Female, 67 years “I can imagine that it is easy to have a helpdesk if you can’t figure it out you would want a helpdesk, right?” Male, 75 years [41] Characteristics of the activity tracker Activity tracker was easy to use. Goal setting was clear. Lights on the activity tracker were not of additional value. Step count and active minutes were sufficient as variables. Preference to read data on the app. No problems wearing the activity tracker. “No, no, I just need step count and active minutes every day and that was sufficient for me”. Female, 76 years [42] Correct functioning Overall, no technical problems. Experiences with the validity of the activity tracker are variable. “Yes, sometimes it said it was offline then I had to restart it. No, I had no problems with it”. Female, 76 years [43]