Darcy Ummels

82 | Chapter 4 Table 4.4 (continued) Privacy No privacy issues. A few participants felt they had to be especially active because they knew someone could see their results. “A kind of motivation that you would say, wow that lady walked a lot!” Female, 68 years [44] Use of the activity tracker Data was checked multiple times per day. Activity tracker was used to gain insight into physical activity levels. There is added value in sharing their data with healthcare professionals. Participants expect that their healthcare professional will initiate the use of their tracker’s data and that they will integrate this data in their treatment. “I checked every day how much I did the day before and sometime when I walked or cycled, I checked when I was back how many steps that has contributed”. Male, 73 years “It depends why you are with a physiotherapist, if you are there for your arm or something like that, I think it won’t be added value but may be for the movement mechanism and your back it might be of added value”. Male, 71 years [45] Interest in feedback Activity tracker provides insight into physical activity level. Participants who were not motivated by the activity trackers said that they would be if they saw that they were not active enough. “If I didn’t walk enough, I think it might motivate me, but I know now that I am active the whole day”. Female, 76 years [46]