Josephine van Dongen

4 Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness 101 Intention to treat (ITT) According to protocol (ATP) Pre-imple- mentation period: all infants N=631 $ Post-imple- mentation period: all infants N=851 $ p-value Pre-imple- mentation: willing to vaccinate N=496 Post-imple- mentation: vaccinated N=719 p-value Young sibling ( ≤ 5 yrs) in household 134 (24.4%) 167 (21.5%) 0.22 118 (24.2%) 148 (22.4%) 0.46 Young sibling attending daycare 87 (22.0%) 94 (17.3%) 0.07 77 (21.8%) 81 (17.5%) 0.13 Parental origin # European parent(s) Non-Eu ropean parent(s) Mixed 471 (84.1%) 35 (6.3%) 54 (9.6%) 652 (83.3%) 31 (6.5%) 80 (10.2%) 0.92 417 (84.8%) 28 (5.7%) 47 (9.6%) 557 (83.4%) 38 (5.7%) 73 (10.9%) 0.75 Median age of parent(s) (IQR) 32.5 (27-38) 33 (27-39) 0.60 32.5 (27-38) 33 (27-39) 0.23 Mean number of months with completed folllow-up (SD) 14.5 (7.2) 14.5 (6.9) 0.84 16.4 (5.5) 14.9 (6.5) <0.001 Number with com- plete fol- low-up until 18 months of age 421 (66.7%) 526 (61.8%) 0.05 380 (76.6%) 450 (62.6%) <0.001 Percentages are derived excluding subjects with missing data on the variable. Statistical significance (p-value <0.05) is highlighted in bold. $ 82 missing information on willingness to vaccinate and 6 missing information on vaccination status. £ Based on the 10th percentile growth curves (chapter 2). * Qualifying conditions in appendix figure S1. ^ Based on highest parental education. # Based on parental origin byWorld population by country 18 .Abbreviations: GA= gestational age, SD= standard deviation, IQR = interquar tile range, yrs= years and, N = number in group.