Josephine van Dongen

1 General introduction 11 rotavirus is therefore the most effective method to prevent disease. Table 1 . Currently available rotavirus vaccines Product and manufacturer Type of vac- cine Indication License Availability Efficacy* Rotarix (GlaxoSmith Kline Vaccines, Belgium) Monovalent human G1P[8] strain, live-at- tenuated, oral Infants >6 weeks of age, two doses Global, since 2004 Worldwide 84.7% (95%CI 71.7; 92.4%) 36 RotaTeq (Mer- ck and Co, Inc., USA) Pentavalent human-bovine G1, G2, G3, G4 and P[8] strains, live-at- tenuated, oral Infants >6 weeks of age, three doses Global, since 2006 Worldwide 98.0% (95%CI 88.3; 100%) 37 Rotavac (Bharat Bio- tech, Hyder- abad, India) Monovalent neonatal G9P[11] strain, live-attenuated, oral Infants >6 weeks of age, three doses WHO pre- qualified in 2018, National since 2015 India, Palestine 56% (95%CI 37;70%) 38 RotaSIIL (Se- rum Institute of India, PVT. LTD., Pune, India) Pentavalent, bovine-hum-an reassor t-ant G1, G2, G3, G4, G9 strains, live-attenuated, oral Infants >6 weeks of age, three doses WHO pre- qualified in 2018, National since 2017 India 33% (95%CI 12;49%) 38 Rotavin-M1 (Center for Research and Production of Vaccines and Biologicals (POLY- VAC), Hanoi,Viet- nam) Monovalent human G1P[8] strain, live-at- tenuated, oral Infants >6 weeks of age, two doses National, since 2012 Vietnam (73% sero-conver- sion) 38 Lanzhou Lamb Rota-virus Vaccine (Lan- zhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Lanzhou, China) Monova- lent lamb G10P[12] strain, live-atte- nuated, oral Once annually between 2 months and 3 years National, since 2000 China 70.3% (95%CI 60.6;77.6) 39 RV3-BB (PT BioFarma, Bandung, Indonesia) Monovalent neonatal G3P[6] strain, live-attenuated, oral Neonatal schedule (0–5 days, 8–10, and 14–16 weeks of age) No Phase 3 94% (95%CI 56;99%) 38