Josephine van Dongen

4 Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness 113 Figure S1. List of eligible congenital disorders 4. Abbreviations: ICD-10 = international code of diseases 10th edition. *Qualifying conditions are those that last longer than 12 months, involve multiple organ systems and/or are expected to require pediatric specialty care. Defined into categories:A. Cardiovascular, B. Pulmonary, C. Neurodevelopmental, D. Chromosomal, E. Perinatal and F. Other. 2 Testis not in scrotum Exstrophia vesicae Renal agnesia Kideney cyst Obstructive uropathy Unclear sex Other congenital disorder of urogenital tract Congenital defect skin and abdominal wall Hemangioma Nevus pigmentosus Other innate skin defects Gastroschisis Omfalocele Hernia umbilicalis Hernia inguinalis Other congenital abdominal wall disorders Congenital defect skeletal and muscular system Polydactyly Syndactyly Reduction deficiency arms and / or legs Hip luxation Pes equinovarus without neural tube defect Other birth defects of skeletal and muscular system Chromosomal/ syndromal abnormalities Downs' syndrome (trisomy 21) Other chromosomal disorders Dysmorphia (without chromosomal defect) Situs inversus Multiple (not forenamed) disorders Other inborn errors (with anatomical disorder) Congenital hypothyroidism Other endocrinal defects Inborn errors Malignancies Other congenital disorders *Complex Chronic Condition: (1) are expected to last longer than 12 months (2) involve either several different organ systems or 1 organ system severely enough to require specialty pediatric care and hospitalization at some point.