Josephine van Dongen

4 Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness 115 Case Sex Gesta- tion in week + days Bir th- weight in grams Conge- nital disor- der SGA HRV Age * severe rota- virus AGE Age * HRV1 Age * HRV2 33 F 41+3 3000 yes yes yes 5 3 4 34 F 34+0 1700 yes yes yes 15 2 * Age in months. Abbreviations: SGA = small for gestational age, AGE = acute gastroenteritis, HRV = human rotavirus vaccination, HRV1 = first dose of human rotavirus vaccination, HRV2 = second dose of human rotavirus vaccination. References 1. Schnadower D,Tarr PI, Gorelick MH, et al.Validation of the modified vesikari score in children with gastroenteritis in 5 US emergency departments. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013;57(4):514-519. doi:10.1097/MPG.0b013e31829ae5a3 2. Freedman SB, Eltorky M, Gorelick M. Evaluation of a Gastroenteritis Severity Score for Use in Outpatient Settings. Pediatrics . 2010;125(6):e1278-e1285. doi:10.1542/peds.2009- 3270 3. Von Elm E, Altman DG, Egger M, Pocock SJ, Gøtzsche PC,Vandenbroucke JP.The Strengthening the Repor ting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) state- ment: Guidelines for repor ting observational studies. Epidemiology. 2007;18(6):800-804. doi:10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181577654 4. Hindori-Mohangoo AD, Schonbeck Y, Pal-de Bruin KM van der. Aangeboren Afwijkin- gen in Nederland 2001-2012: Gebaseerd Op Landelijke Perinatale Registraties.; 2014. https://