Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 5 136 Appendix B Term infants with congenital disorders A total of 763 infants were born with a GA >37 weeks and with at least one congenital disorder, flowchar t figure S2 . Among the 118 HRV vaccinated infants, two vaccine related SAE were repor ted. Both concerned hospitalization 12 and 19 days after first dose of HRV, respectively, no information on second HRV dose was available.The first case was classified as (potentially) vaccine induced. The second as vaccine failure, sequencing was performed revealing a G3P8 genotype. Among 134 infants par ticipating in the before-after cohor t study, 79 infants were immunized with the NIP primary series vaccines and 55 infants with NIP and HRV vaccines, characteristics are shown in table S6 . Out of all vaccine moments, 49.1% (79/161) experienced a solicited AE versus 59.1% (13/22), respectively ( table S7 ). Figure S2. Flowchar t of term infants with congenital disorders and cohor t study-participants