Josephine van Dongen

5 Safety and Tolerability of Human Rotavirus Vaccination 137 Table S6 . Characteristics of term infants with congenital disorders and solicited AE for receipt of the primary series with or without HRV per infant Characteristic NIP vaccinated (N=79) NIP+HRV vaccinated (N=55) p-value Mean gestational age in week + days (SD) 39+2 (1+2) 39+0 (1+3) 0.22 Median birthweight in grams (IQR) 3340 (2685-3995) 3330 (2525-4135) 1.0 Sex (male, %) 44 (55.7) 32 (58.2) 0.76 Number of congenital disorder, n (%) 1 2 > 2 55 (69.6) 21 (26.6) 3 (3.8) 7 (67.3) 11 (20.0) 7 (12.7) 0.25 Type of congenital disorder, n (%) Neurodevelopmental Cardiovascular Pulmonary Chromosomal Perinatal Other* 4 (5.1) 31 (3.2) 2 (2.5) 14 (17.7) 1 (1.3) 36 (45.6) 2 (3.6) 28 (50.9) 5 (9.1) 90 (18.2) 1 (1.8) 23 (41.8) 1.0 0.18 0.12 0.95 1.0 0.67 Age at first vaccination (median, IQR) 62 (40-84) 61 (34-88) 0.86 Concomitant NIP+HRV administration NA 10 NA Sibling (yes, %) 34 (49.3) 18 (34.6) 0.11 Parental education # High Medium Lower 46 (65.7) 16 (22.9) 8 (11.4) 9 (75·0) 12 (23.1) 1 (1.9) 0.13 Parental background ^ European Non-European 60 (85.7) 10 (14.3) 45 (86.5) 7 (13.5) 0.90 Average parental age in years (median, IQR) 33.5 (27.5-39.5) 34·3 (27.7-40.9) 0.49