Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 7 166 Vaccinated N=2370 Unvaccinated N=2162 p-value 0-6 months 6-12 months > 12 months 429 (47.7%) 486 (56.5%) 1455 (52.5%) 470 (52.3%) 374 (43.5%) 1318 (47.5%) 0.001 Participant in cohort study Yes No 695 (87.3%) 1675 (44.8%) 101 (12.7%) 2061 (55.2%) 0.00 Percentages are derived excluding missing information. Statistical significance (p-value <0.05) is highlighted in bold. Abbreviation: SGA = small for gestational age, MRC = medical risk condition Evaluation of the implementation strategy A total of 136 HCP completed the survey ( table 2 ). Of these, 42 were actively approached and 94 responded on invitations for the survey in the newsletter ; 123 were female (89.8%), and 51 (38.1%) were medical doctor versus 56 (40.9%) nurses. In total, 194 parents of vaccinated infants and 19 parents of unvaccinated infants completed the SurveyMonkey; 44 parent pairs were actively approached and 169 parent pairs responded to the survey invitation in the newsletters or on Facebook. For a flowchar t of total approached and responded, see supplement figure S2 .The total number of survey respondents and their characteristics are presented in table 2. Among parents of vaccinated infants, 168 (87.0%) were female, median age 33.0 years (IQR 5.0) and 131 had a high educational level (68.6%). Among parents of unvaccinated infants that completed the questionnaire, 17 (89.5%) were female, median age 32.0 years (IQR 6.0) and 15 (78.9%) highly educated. For the interviews, five HCP were approached and three responded. Table 2 . Characteristics of participants of evaluation survey Characteristic HCP (N=136) Parents of vaccinated infants (N=194) Parents of unvaccinated infants (N=19) Sex (female, %) * 123 (89.8) 168 (87.0) 17 (89.5) Age (median years, IQR) * 42.0 (20.0-62.0) 33.0 (28.0-38.0) 32.0 (26.0-38.0) Educational level (n,%) * Higher/medical doctor 51 (38.1) 131 (68.6) 15 (78.9) Medium/other HCP 83 (61.9) 48 (25.1) 4 (21.1) Lower 12 (6.3) * One missing for sex, three missing for age and education among parents of HRV vaccinated infants. Abbreviations: HCP = healthcare providers, N = number in group, IQR = interquar tile range, n = number with characteristic.