Josephine van Dongen

7 Evaluation of implementing a targeted rotavirus vaccine program 169 Theme 3. Preference of rotavirus vaccination strategy A majority of HCP 74/122 (60.7%) were in favor of providing HRV for infants with MRC, free of charge; 47 HCP (38.5%) thought HRV should be provided for all infants in the Netherlands, as par t of the NIP.The preferred setting for targeted vaccine indication was the second and third line of care according to 64/75 (85.3%) of overall HCP, these were mainly other (non-medical doctor) HCP. Differences between medical doctors and other HCP in their experience with the HRV program are shown in table 3 , all are statistically significant. Among parents of vaccinated infants, 94 (55.0%) were in favor of a universal vaccination program as opposed to nine parents of unvaccinated infants (69.2%). Of vaccinated infants, 72 parents (42.1%) choose for well-baby clinics as preferred setting for vaccine delivery. Differences between parents of vaccinated and unvaccinated infants in their experience with targeted rotavirus vaccination are presented in table 4 , perceived timely information differed significantly. Reasons for refusing vaccination were; administration not possible within age limits (n=4), not being offered the vaccine (n=2), off-label (n=1), and perceived risks did not outweigh potential benefits (n=6). Table 3 . Health care providers’ experience with the targeted rotavirus vaccination program Statement Medical doctors (N=51) Other HCP (N=84) p-value Information provision about implementation of rotavirus vaccination in my hospital was clear (n agree with statement, %) 29/48 (60.4) 64/80 (80.0) 0.02 Rotavirus vaccination should be available for high risk children (n, %) 34/44 (77.3) 40/78 (51.3) 0.005 Second and third line care centers should be responsible for providing rotavirus vaccination (n, %) 10/34 (29.4) 21/42 (50.0) 0.01 Percentages are derived excluding respondents with missing information. Statistical significance (p-value <0.05) is highlighted in bold.