Josephine van Dongen

7 Evaluation of implementing a targeted rotavirus vaccine program 179 VIII.I searched for information about rotavirus vaccination on: (Multiple answers possible) a.RIVAR website b.Website RIVM c.Different websites, i.e. d.RIVAR facebook group e.Different facebook pages, i.e. f.Other, i.e g.I did not search for information IX.Note, below, any suggestions to improve the provision of information about rotavirus vaccination. X.For parents of unvaccinated infants; I choose not to vaccinate my child against rotavirus because… The hospital where your child is (or was) receiving care joins the RIVAR project. Therefore your child belongs to the first group of children in the Netherlands who is offered rotavirus vaccination, without payment by parents/guardians.We are interested in your opinion about rotavirus vaccination for children in the Netherlands. XI.Rotavirus vaccination should be available for a.Children whose parents are willing to pay €135 for rotavirus vaccination, free market price. b.Children with increased risk of rotavirus infection, such as children born premature, with low bir th weight or congenital diseases. c.All children (also without increased risk). d.None of the above. XII.My child could best be vaccinated against rotavirus by: a.My childs general practioner b.My childs pediatrician c.The Public Health Service (GGD)/well baby clinic d.Self-administration at home Questions in grey are not asked to parents of unvaccinated infants.