Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 7 180 Implementation Evaluation Questionnaire for Healthcare providers General What is your gender? a.Male b.Female How old are you? What is your function? a.Pediatrician/neonatologist b.Pediatric resident c.Pediatric or neontology nurse d.Physician assistent e.Other, i.e. In your hospital rotavirus vaccination is implemented via the RIVAR project. This is a pilot where high risk infants (born premature and/or dysmature, and/or with a congenital disorder) are offered rotavirus vaccination, without costs involved. Information provision about rotavirus vaccination and execution of the implementation program Rate the following three statements on a scale from 1 to 5. 1: totally disagree 2: disagree 3: neutral 4: agree 5: totally agree I.Information provision with regard to implementation of rotavirus vaccination in my hospital was clear. II.I am aware of the rotavirus vaccination protocol within the RIVAR project. III.In my hospital all eligible infants are routinely informed about rotavirus vaccination. IV.I know how to prescribe rotavirus vaccination for my patient within the RIVAR project. V.I know which agreements apply in my hospital about administration of rotavirus vaccination and how to arrange this. VI.I am aware of the age restrictions for administration of rotavirus vaccination. VII.In my hospital vaccination against rotavirus is sufficiently imbedded, all eligible infants routinely receive vaccination within the age restrictions according to the RIVAR project. VIII.I have sufficient knowledge about the working mechanism of rotavirus vaccination. IX.I have sufficient knowledge about the adverse events of rotavirus vaccination. X.In my hospital parents are first informed about rotavirus vaccination by a pediatrician/pediatric resident or nurse.