Josephine van Dongen

7 Evaluation of implementing a targeted rotavirus vaccine program 181 XI.I received information about rotavirus vaccination via: (Multiple answers possible) a.RIVAR implementation group-presentations b.RIVAR website/e-learning c.Website of RIVM d.Other website, i.e. e.RIVAR research dedicated physician f.Colleagues g.Other, i.e. XII.Which hurdles do you encounter in the execution of the RIVAR implementation program to prevent eligible infants to receive rotavirus vaccination in your hospital? (Multiple answers possible) a.A child is already discharged and doesn’t receive care within the age-restrictions for vaccination. b.A child is too ill or instable to receive vaccination with the age-restrictions. c.In my hospital children are not vaccinated on the ward, it regularly occurs that a child is hospitalized past 14 weeks of postnatal age. d.It regularly happens that parents refuse rotavirus vaccination for their child. e.Difficulties in prescribing rotavirus vaccination. f.Other, i.e. XIII.Note, below, any suggestions to improve the provision of information about or the execution of rotavirus vaccination implementation program. The following questions concern your opinion about rotavirus vaccination for children in the Netherlands. XIII.Rotavirus vaccination should be available for a.All children, invested with the National Immunization Program. b.Children with increased risk of rotavirus infection, such as children born premature, with low bir th weight or congenital diseases, free of charge. c.Children whose parents are willing to pay the free market price for vaccination. XIV.If a, I am in favor of universal rotavirus vaccination because: (Multiple answers possible) a.Rotavirus infections causes high disease burden in children, even when they are otherwise “healthy”. b.The typical seasonality of rotavirus infections lead to capacity problems in pediatric hospital care. c.The costs of vaccination are outweighed by the benefits in the form of disease reduction (cost effective). d.It is complicated to implement a targeted vaccination program for high risk infants only, universal vaccination is more efficient. e.Other, i.e.