Josephine van Dongen

A List of publications 221 24-04- 2019 Presentation (oral) on Rotavirus incidence and burden of disease among risk- group infants in the Netherlands, in Riga, Latvia, at European Expert Meeting on Rotavirus Vaccination 15-06- 2018 Presentation (pitch) on Acute gastro-enteritis: incidentie en ziektelast onder hoog-risico kinderen, in Arnhem, the Netherlands, at Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde congres 31-05- 2018 Presentation (e-poster discussion) on Rotavirus disease burden among high- risk infants in the Netherlands, in Malmo, Sweden, at European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases annual meeting 26-05- 2017 Presentation (e-poster) on Rotavirus incidence among high-risk infants in the Netherlands, in Madrid, Spain, at European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases annual meeting 22-03- 2017 Presentation (poster) on Rotavirus hospitalizations in the absence of rotavirus vaccination, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, at European Expert Meeting on Rotavirus Vaccination 13-01- 2012 Presentation on Health-care providers’ perspectives on childhood cancer treatment, in Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, for all employees of the pediatric hematology-oncology ward of Prof Dr RD Kandou hospital