Josephine van Dongen

2 Acute gastroenteritis disease burden among infants with medical risk conditions 33 Table 2. Severity and social impact per pathogen AGE epi- sodes Severe MVS Du- ra-tion Health care attend- ed Hospi- taliza- tion Parental work loss Daycare absen- teeism Trans- sion within house- hold Sec- ondary house- hold mem- ber(s) All cause 68 (27%) 8 (3- 13) 5 (1-9) 213 (38%) 42 (7.5%) 73 (30%) 67 (28%) 107 (44%) 2 (1-3) Pan ne- ga-tive 26 (22%) 8 (4- 12) 5 (2-8) 20 (18%) 4 (4%) 9 (7%) 15 (13%) 30 (26%) 2 (1-3) Nor- ovirus positive 17 (27%) 8 (3- 13) 5 (2-8) 23 (40%) 4 (7%) 25 (40%) 19 (29%) 39 (67%) 2 (1-3) Rota-vi- rus pos- itive 18 (43%) 10 (6- 14) 5 (3-7) 17 (42%) 2 (10%) 17 (38%) 20 (44%) 27 (68%) 2 (1-3) Ade- no-virus positive 8 (32%) 9 (3- 15) 5 (0- 10) 12 (48%) 1 (4%) 9 (36%) 10 (40%) 11 (44%) 1 (0-2) As- tro-vi- rus positive 6 (40%) 10 (5- 15) 7 (3- 11) 4 (27%) 0 5 (33%) 6 (40%) 8 (53%) 1 (1-1) Denominator changes for all variables and all groups of AGE episodes, because of missing data. Percentages are given for episodes with complete information. For continuous variables medians with interquar tile ranges (IQR) are shown. Abbreviations: MVS=ModifiedVesikari Score. Of 254 AGE episodes with a MVS-score available, 68 were classified as severe (26.8%, 95% CI 22 - 33%). Rotavirus- and norovirus positive infections were severe in 18 out of 43 (41.9%) and 17 out of 65 (26.2%) of cases, respectively. Differences for infections per pathogen are listed in Table 2 ; this information was only available for complete episodes. Secondary outcomes Any paid parental work loss due to illness of the infant was repor ted in 73 out of 244 AGE episodes, with a median duration of 1.75 days (interquar tile range (IQR) 0.75-2.75). Daycare absenteeism was repor ted for 67 out of 236 AGE episodes , with a median of 1.5 days (IQR 0.5-2.5). In 32.8% - 49.2% of AGE episodes, families were unable to proceed with regular