Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 2 46 Downloaded via Abbreviations: d= days, 24-h = 24 hour, ED = emergency department. eTable 2. Par ticipants versus non-par ticipants Characteristic Par ticipant N=631 Non-par ticipant N=1869 p-value Gender, n male (%) 361 (57.2) 975 (52.4) 0.04 Gestational age, mean weeks +days (SD) 32+4 (3+6) 33+1 (4+0) 0.00 Bir thweight, medi- an grams (IQR) 1847.5 (708.5- 2986.5) 1910 (855-2965) 0.26 SGA, n yes (%) 161 (25.5) 523 (28.0) 0.23 Congenital disor- der, n any (%) 126 (20.0) 349 (18.7) 0.48 A. Cardiovascular 41 (32.5) 88 (25.2) 0.08 B. Pulmonal 5 (4.0) 16 (4.6) 0.88 C. Central nerve 8 (6.3) 41 (11.7) 0.15 D. Chromosomal 23 (18.3) 67 (19.2) 0.94 E. Perinatal 14 (11.1) 56 (16.0) 0.31 F.Other # 56 (44.4) 143 (40.9) 0.33 Twin status, n yes (%) 158 (25) 439 (23.5) 0.43 # Infants can have multiple congenital disorders, in category “Other” there are duplicates. Abbreviations: N = number in group, n = number with characteristic, SD = standard deviation, IQR = interquar tile range. eTable 1. ModifiedVesikari Score (MVS) scale