Josephine van Dongen

2 Acute gastroenteritis disease burden among infants with medical risk conditions 47 eTable 3 . Sampled versus non sampled AGE episodes Characteristic Sampled AGE (N=252) Unsampled AGE (N=274) p-value Duration, n days # (%) One day 10 (4.1) 40 (14.8) 0.00 Two-seven 184 (76.0) 184 (68.1) Eight–four teen 48 (19.8) 40 (14.8) > Four teen 0 6 (2.2) Healthcare atten- dance, n yes (%)* 68 (27.9) 127 (46.4) 0.00 Age at AGE, n months (%) Younger than six months 49 (20.5) 53 (19.3) 0.89 Six-eleven months 103 (43.1) 116 (42.3) 12 months and older 87 (36.4) 105 (38.3) # Missing in 14 cases (3%). * Missing in 8 cases (2%). Abbreviations: AGE = acute gastroenteritis, N = number in group, n = number with characteristic.