Josephine van Dongen

Index Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Acute gastroenteritis disease burden among infants with medical risk conditions in the Netherlands 25 Chapter 3 Updated cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit analysis of two infant rotavirus vaccination strategies in a high-income, low- endemic setting 51 Chapter 4 Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness among infants with medical risk conditions in the Netherlands 91 Chapter 5 Safety and tolerability of human rotavirus vaccination in medical risk infants in the Netherlands 117 Chapter 6 Non-specific effects of human rotavirus vaccination in medical risk infants in the Netherlands 141 Chapter 7 Evaluation of implementing a rotavirus vaccine program targeting high-risk infants in the Netherlands 159 Chapter 8 Summary and general discussion 185 Appendices 205 Dutch summary/Nederlandse samenvatting 207 Contributing authors 213 List of publications and conference presentations 219 Acknowledgements/Dankwoord 223 Curriculum vitae 229