Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 3 56 Parameter Total popu- lation Non-tar- get group Target group Distribution Data source Method GP visits <1 year 21.5% (12.8– 29.1%) Per t GP-based cohor t study 13 Percentage of rotavirus cases based on simulations from original study data (for details see 17 ) GP visits 1–4 years 18.5% (16.3– 20.8%) GP visits 5–14 years 6.4% (4.8–7.3%) Communi- ty-acquired (CA) hospi- talization 2024 (1789 – 2256) 82.8% (82.7– 82.9%) of total Calculated (total minus non-target) Per t RoHo study 14 ; indirect esti- mated annu- al hos-pital- iza-tions 2; RIVAR AGE surveil- lance 18 Incidence based on original study data (for details see 11 ) and scaled to the years 2013–2016. Distribution over non-tar- get and target groups and over CA and nosocomial cases based on active AGE surveillance in 2014–2016 Nosocomial in¬fections per CA case Calcula-ted 0.21 (0.206– 0.213) 0.89 (0.88–0.90) Per t RIVAR AGE surveil- lance 18 Mor tality rate/1000 hospitaliza- tions Calculated 0.00 (0.00; 0.04) 0 81 (0.36; 1.46) Per t RoHo study 14 ; Ex- ternal data- set Sophia Children’s hos-pital For details see 11 Age distri- bution of hospitaliza- tions and fatal cases See Additional file 1:Table S2 in Bruijning et al. 11 RoHo study 14 ; Same as 11 Intussusception (IS) incidence Vaccine-in- duced IS risk 1/50,000 vaccinated children Fixed 32- 35 Calculated from 36 : 56 with resection out of 1176 IS cases in infants <12 months Complicat- ed (with intestinal resection) 4.8% of induced IS cases Fixed 36