Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 3 60 Parameter Total popu- lation Non-tar- get group Target group Distribution Data source Method Productivity losses caregiver Cost per hour paid work loss €32 Statistics Nether- lands 54 and guidelines for health economic evaluation 22 Hours of paid work loss per episode: Without medical care 1 day (~8 h) in 5% of episodes Beta RotaFam (see Addi- tional file 1) For children >10 years of age work loss estimates were reduced by 50% Requiring GP visit 0.5–2 days in 25% of episodes Beta; uni- form RotaFam (see Addi- tional file 1) Hospitaliza- tion 26.40 Based on 50 For details see 17 Nosocomial AGE 24.58 Based on 50 For details see 7 Uncompli- cated IS 4.93 Fixed Estimat- ed based on LMR data (see Additional file 1) and Statistics Nether- lands 54 Based on LOS and apply- ing average care-giver employment of 16.4 h/ week (similar to Mangen et al. 38 ) d Complicat- ed IS 14.79 Fixed Vaccine coverage Universal vaccination Targeted vaccination Vaccine coverage 86.2% 86.2% Fixed Discrete choice ex- periment 28 Vaccine efficacy Table 2 in Bruijning et al. 11 Per t Vaccine tri- als 55- 57 Herd pro- tection See Table 2 Not applicable Fixed Published estimates, see Table 2 Only for universal vaccination scenarios