Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 3 66 Results The updated rotavirus disease burden estimated a reduction in the number of rotavirus AGE episodes in the Netherlands by 13% compared to 1999, and in the number of hospitalizations by 45% compared to 2006–2010.The 2014–2016 active surveillance data identified a somewhat higher propor tion of children with medical risk conditions (26% vs 16%) among those <2 years of age hospitalized for rotavirus and a higher propor tion of nosocomial infections (28% vs 11%) compared to the RoHo study 11 . Without vaccination and over a 20-year time horizon, an estimated 1.25 million rotavirus AGE episodes (62,500 annually), 54,000 hospitalizations (2700 annually), and 110 fatal rotavirus cases (5.5 annually) in children 0–15 years old would occur in the Netherlands, resulting in 2597 QALYs lost (130 annually) or 1309 life years lost (65.45 annually), and in societal costs of €180 million (Є9 million annually; see Table 2 ). Table 2 Rotavirus disease and cost burden in children <15 years old (mean (95% credibility interval) and incremental results from targeted or universal infant rotavirus vaccination based on a 20 years’ time horizon Disease and cost burden AGE epi- sodes (× 1000) Hospi- taliza- tions a (× 1000) Fatal cases Vaccine- induced IS QALYs lost b Life years lost b Net societal costs b (mio €) No vac- cination 1251 (903– 1627) 54 (48–60) 110 (59–175) NA 2597 (1681– 3727) 1309 (471– 2372) 180 (153– 218) Targe- ted vac- cination 1208 (871– 1573) 46 (41–51) 12 (5–23) 4.61 1458 (1057– 1890) 195 (18–463) 163 (139– 199) Universal vaccina- tion 586 (407– 789) 14 (12–16) 7 (4–11) 58.40 689 (477– 923) 105 (5–245) 278 (268– 294) Incre- mental results from vaccina- tion Aver ted AGE epi- sodes (× 1000) Aver ted hospital- izations (× 1000) Aver ted fatal cases Addi- tional IS Incre- mental QALYs gained Incre- mental life years gained ∆ net societal costs (in mio €) c ICER €/ QALY gained Targeted vaccination vs no vaccination Absolute change 433 (32–55) 8 (7–9) 99 (54–153) 4.61 1139 (426– 2022) 1114 (399– 2004) -−17 c (−21 to –13.6) c cost-sav- ing (costsav- ing- costsav- ing)