Josephine van Dongen

3 Updated cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit analysis 79 RotaFam study This is a prospective community-based household study on AGE occurrence and transmission 7 . Households with at least one child aged less than two years were randomly selected from municipal registries and invited to par ticipate in the study. Par ticipating households kept a digital symptom diary by means of an interactive smar tphone App for each household member during ten consecutive weeks between January and May 2016 or 2017. Occurrence of AGE, which was detected based on symptom entries through built-in algorithms in the App, triggered additional disease questionnaires and a stool sample request for virological examination. The disease questionnaires included a severity score, items on healthcare usage and parental work- loss. All samples were tested by multiplex PCR for presence of norovirus, rotavirus, astrovirus and adenovirus 40/41. Data from the 2016 season on rotavirus AGE episodes in children were used to estimate parental productivity losses due to work-absence for community (i.e. mild) and GP attended (i.e. moderate) episodes. We identified 28 community episodes of rotavirus AGE in children < 15 years. Of these, eight were GP attended. In three episodes (11%), a caregiver took time off from work varying between 0.5 and 2 days. These sick children were aged < 2 years and two had also attended the GP. Thus, in one out of 20 episodes without medical care a caregiver took time off from work (ie. 1 day in 5% of cases). For two out of eight GP-attended episodes, a caregiver took time off from work (ie. 0.5-2 days in 25% of cases). Additional file 2: Additional results Table S2 –Targeted vaccination compared to no vaccination: Baseline assumptions and applied sensitivity and scenario analyses Scenario ∆ QALY ∆ soc- ietal cost (in mio. €) a ICER (€/ QALY) - Societal perspec- tive ∆ health- care cost (in mio. €) a ICER (€/ QALY) - Health- care payer perspec- tive Induced IS/com- plicated IS cases Induced IS: prevent- ed fatal cases Induced IS: pre- vented hospital- ized cases Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Baseline 1139 (426- 2022) -17.0 (-20.8-- 13.6) cost-sav- ing (cs-cs) -11.1 (-14.2-- 8.4) cost-sav- ing (cs-cs) 4.61/0.22 1:21 (1:12- 1:33) 1:1707 (1:1494- 1:1920)