Josephine van Dongen

Chapter 3 88 Figure S1 : Mean ICER for targeted* and universal vaccination using a societal perspective (black square/black line) and healthcare payer perspective (red dots/red line), for different vaccine costs. *No sensitivity analyses on vaccine costs were applied for the targeted vaccination strategy, as this sce- nario was already cost-saving at current market prices of €135.32, for both perspectives. By lowering the vaccine costs, the savings would become larger. Note: In case of universation vaccination strategy is vaccination cost-saving at vaccine costs of €32/child using a societal perspective (SP) and at €14.8/child using a healthcare payer perspective (HP). For full details see Table S3 . -40000 -20000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 75 68 60 53 45 38 30 23 15 ICER (€/QALY) Vaccinecosts, excluding appl ication (€)/chi ld Universal vaccination (SP) Universal vaccination (HP) Target vaccination (SP) Target vaccination (HP) Scenario ∆ QALY ∆ soc- ietal cost (in mio. €) a ICER (€/ QALY) - Societal perspec- tive ∆ health- care cost (in mio. €) ICER (€/ QALY)- Health- care payer perspec- tive Induced IS/com- plicated IS cases Induced IS: prevent- ed fatal cases Induced IS: pre- vented hospi- talized cases Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Vaccine costs of €37.5 769 (561- 1003) 29 (8-45) 37,978 (9,277- 73,241) 63 (54-72) 81,779 (56,779- 120,988) 53.8/ 2.6 1:0.09 (1:0.02- 1:0.2) 1:597 (1:526- 1:668) Vaccine costs of €30.0 769 (561- 1003) 19 (-9-28) 15,717 (cs - 44,867) 46 (37-55) 59,519 (39,427- 90,783) 53.8/ 2.6 1:0.09 (1:0.02- 1:0.2) 1:597 (1:526- 1:668) Vaccine costs of €22.5 769 (561- 1003) -5 (-26-11) cost-sav- ing (cs -16,466) 29 (20-37) 37,528 (21,440- 61,339) 53.8/ 2.6 1:0.09 (1:0.02- 1:0.2) 1:597 (1:526- 1:668) Vaccine costs of €15.0 769 (561- 1003) -22 (-43 - -6) cost-sav- ing (cs -cs) 12 (2-20) 14,997 (2,738- 32,159) 53.8/ 2.6 1:0.09 (1:0.02- 1:0.2) 1:597 (1:526- 1:668) Used abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; cs: cost-saving; (cs-cs): 95%CI limits both cost-saving; IS: intussusception. a)Note: negative costs are savings Note2: No sensitivity analyses on vaccine costs were applied for the target vaccination strategy, as this scenario was already cost-saving at current market prices of €135.32, for both perspectives. By lowering the vaccine costs, the savings would become larger.