
146 CHAPTER 8 Table 1. Patient characteristics Patient characteristics n = 226 Age, median ( sd, range) 67 years (11.65, 35-91) Gender Male 110 (48.7%) Female 116 (51.3%) Alcohol >3units/day 110 (48.7%) Sporadic use 44 (19.5%) ACE-27 a None (0) 59 (26.1%) Mild (1) 84 (37.2%) Moderate (2) 70 (31.0%) Severe (3) 13 (5.8%) ASA classification b 1 34 (15.0%) 2 141 (62.4%) 3 50 (22.1%) 4 1 (0.4%) LSMI c , mean (sd, range) 38.82 cm 2 /m 2 (8.40, 22.20 - 64.38) Length of hospital stay, mean (sd, range) 8.86 days (5.967, 2 - 43) a ACE-27 = Adult Comorbidity Evaluation-27, b ASA classification = American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification system, c LSMI = lumbar skeletal muscle index Table 2. Tumor variables Tumor variables n = 226 Single tumor Simultaneous 219 (96.9%) 7 (3.1%) TNM Stage I 66 (29.2%) II 58 (25.7%) III 25 (11.1%) IV 76 (33.6%)