
163 Surgery: skeletal muscle mass, arterial calcification and laryngectomy Table 2. Patient, disease and treatment characteristics Characteristic With pharyngocutaneous fistula n = 62 (% of total) Without pharyngocutaneous fistula n = 162 (% of total) P value Gender (male) 48 (77.4) 136 (84.0) 0.25 a Age at diagnosis (years) 64.0 (SD 9.2) 65.1(SD 9.1) 0.43 b Body mass index (BMI) 23.4 (SD 4.8) 24.2 (SD 5.1) 0.32 b Smoking (current) 30 (48.4) 82 (50.6) 0.33 a Alcohol abuse Never Former Current 37 (59.7) 17 (27.4) 8 (12.9) 111 (68.5) 33 (20.4) 18 (11.1) 0.44 c ASA classification I II III 28 (45.2) 18 (29.0) 16 (25.8) 80 (49.4) 42 (25.9) 40 (24.7) 0.84 c Presence of sarcopenia 35 (56.5) 67 (41.4) 0.04 a Localization tumor Larynx Hypopharynx 34 (54.8) 28 (45.2) 132 (81.5) 30 (18.5) <0.01 a AJCC stage 0 I II III IV 7 (11.3) 3 (4.8) 11 (17.7) 6 (9.7) 35 (56.5) 4 (2.5) 22 (13.6) 21 (13.0) 28 (17.3) 87 (53.7) 0.01 c Indication for TL Primary HNC Recurrent HNC Dysfunctional larynx 26 (41.9) 29 (46.7) 7 (11.3) 79 (48.8) 79 (48.8) 4 (2.5) 0.02 c Prior treatment None Radiotherapy Chemo-radiotherapy 26 (41.9) 29 (46.8) 7 (11.3) 79 (48.8) 69 (42.6) 14 (8.6) 0.62 c Type resection Laryngectomy LE + partial pharyngectomy LE + total pharyngectomy 31(50.0) 25 (40.3) 6 (9.7) 120 (74.1) 28 (17.3) 14 (8.6) <0.01 c Closure of neopharynx Vertical T-closure Flap closure 28 (45.2) 5 (8.1) 29 (46.8) 110 (67.9) 13 (8.0) 39 (24.1) <0.01 c Lymph node dissection None Unilateral Bilateral 22 (35.5) 28 (45.2) 12 (19.4) 73 (45.1) 54 (33.3) 35 (21.6) 0.25 c a Fisher’s exact test, b Independent sample t test, c Pearson Chi squared test. 9