
165 Surgery: skeletal muscle mass, arterial calcification and laryngectomy Table 3. Distribution of arterial calcification among patients with and without pharyngocutaneous fistula and univariate odds ratio analysis Anatomical location of arterial calcification Score a With pharyngocutaneous fistula n = 62 (% of total) Without pharyngocutaneous fistula (n = 162) (% of total) Unadjusted ORb (95% CI) P value Ascending aorta 0 1 31 (50.0) 31 (50.0) 101 (63.2) 61 (37.7) 1.66 (0.92 - 2.90) 0.09 Aortic arch 0 1 20 (32.3) 42 (67.7) 56 (34.6) 106 (65.4) 1.11 (0.60 - 2.07) 0.74 Descending aorta 0 1 20 (32.3) 42 (67.7) 85 (52.5) 77 (47.5) 2.32 (1.25 - 4.29) 0.01 Origo of the brachiocephalic arteries 0 1 12 (19.4) 50 (80.6) 55 (34.0) 107 (66.0) 2.14 (1.05 - 4.35) 0.04 Left extracranial carotid artery 0 1 16 (25.8) 46 (74.2) 46 (28.4) 116 (71.6) 1.14 (0.59 - 2.21) 0.70 Right extracranial carotid artery 0 1 13 (21.0) 49 (79.0) 57 (35.2) 105 (64.8) 2.05 (1.03 - 4.09) 0.04 Left vertebral artery 0 1 58 (93.5) 4 (6.5) 136 (84.0) 26 (16.0) 0.36 (0.12 - 1.08) 0.07 Right vertebral artery 0 1 57 (91.9) 5 (8.1) 141 (87.0) 21 (13.0) 0.59 (0.21 - 1.64) 0.31 Left carotid siphon 0 1 12 (19.4) 50 (80.6) 57 (35.2) 105 (64.8) 2.26 (1.12 - 4.59) 0.02 Right carotid siphon 0 1 15 (24.2) 47 (75.8) 60 (37.0) 102 (63.0) 1.84 (0.95 - 3.58) 0.07 Total arterial calcification score Median IQRd 18.0 12.8 - 22.0 16.0 10.0 - 21.0 1.06 (1.01 - 1.11) 0.03 Numbers in bold: significant at the level of p ≤ 0.05, a Score: 0 - none to mild; 1 - moderate to severe, b Univariable logistic regression analysis, c Continuous; score between 0 and 30, d Interquartile range MULTIVARIABLE LOGISTIC REGRESSION ANALYSIS The calcification scores were entered per location into two multivariable logistic regression models, see Table 4. The first model includes the patient-related variables: age, BMI, sarco - penia, smoking, alcohol abuse, and ASA classification as a surrogate for comorbidities. The second model includes additional known preoperative risk factors for the occurrence of a PCF: localization of tumor (larynx versus hypopharynx), indication for TL (primary, salvage or dysfunctional larynx), additional lymph node dissection, extent of pharyngeal resection and closure method of the neopharynx. 9