
202 CHAPTER 11 study, the occurrence of CDLT). The Fisher’s exact test, Pearson Chi square test, independent sample t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for comparisons between groups where appropriate. The predictive effect of low SMM on CDLT was evaluated using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Variables with a p-value lower than 0.05 in univariate analysis were selected for inclusion in multivariate analysis. Cox proportional hazard regres - sion analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between low SMM and overall survival (OS). Kaplan Meier curves were used to visualize overall survival. RESULTS Of all 279 patients predefined as having an indication for high dose cisplatin, 39 patients did not receive any cisplatin and 73 patients were treated with daily cisplatin as part of a clinical study and were thus excluded. Six patients were treated with induction TPF (docetaxel, cispla - tin, fluorouracil), and 4 with weekly cisplatin, and were also excluded. In 4 patients, imaging quality was deemed insufficient. In total, 153 patients who were treated with three-weekly high dose cisplatin were included for analysis. For the overall survival analysis, 41 patients with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer were excluded and 112 patients with HPV-negative or unknown status were included. PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS Patient, disease and outcome characteristics are presented in Table 1. All patients received at least 1 cycle of high dose cisplatin. Patients were predominantly male, current smokers and presented with AJCC stage III or IV disease. Of note, almost 50% of all patients with oro - pharyngeal cancer had HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. Approximately half of all patients completed 3 cycles of high dose cisplatin (52.9%). Two cycles of cisplatin were completed in 22.9% of patients. In 24.2% of patients, only 1 cycle of chemotherapy could be completed. CDLT occurred in 24.2% of patients. The most frequent reason for chemotherapy treatment termination was grade 3 toxicity, being a significant decrease in renal function in 52%, severe nausea in 9%and infectious disease such as sepsis in 9%of patients. There were no significant differences in patients’ characteristics between patients with and without CDLT, apart from a mild renal function impairment prior to start of treatment with an eGFR between 60 and 70 (p = 0.02).