
280 CHAPTER 15 Table 1. (Continued) Characteristic Total (n=235) Low SMM (n=141, 60%) Without low SMM (n=94, 40%) p -value N (%) N (%) N (%) Smoker & Alcohol use No Yes 60 (25.5) 175 (74.5) 28 (19.9) 113 (80.1) 32 (34.0) 62 (66.0) 0.02 Albumin (g/L) (mean, SD) 39.8 (4.6) 39.7 (4.8) 40.0 (4.3) 0.70 Tumor site Oral cavity Oropharynx HPV – HPV + HPV unknown Nasopharynx Hypopharynx Larynx Paranasal sinus Unknown primary 83 (35.3) 73 (31.1) 44 (60.3) 21 (28.8) 8 (11.0) 19 (8.1) 32 (13.6) 10 (4.3) 10 (4.3) 8 (3.4) 55 (39) 39 (27.7) 26 (66.7) 6 (15.4) 7 (17.9) 9 (6.4) 22 (15.6) 5 (3.5) 6 (4.3) 5 (3.5) 28 (29.8) 34 (36.2) 18 (52.9) 15 (44.1) 1 (2.9) 10 (10.6) 10 (10.6) 5 (5.3) 4 (4.3) 3 (3.2) 0.49 TNM stage III IV 40 (17.0) 195 (83.0) 22 (15.6) 119 (84.4) 18 (19.1) 76 (80.9) 0.48 CRT setting Primary Adjuvant 166 (70.6) 69 (29.4) 93 (66) 48 (34) 73 (77.7) 21 (22.3) 0.05 Legend table 1: p-values printed in bold were significant at a 0.05 level. p-values printed in italics were near statistical significance at a 0.05 level Abbreviations: SMM: skeletal muscle mass, BMI: body-mass index, ACE-27: Adult-Comorbidity Evaluation 27, ECOG: Easter Cooperative Oncology Group HPV: human papilloma virus, TNM: tumor, node, metastasis, CRT: chemoradiotherapy Table 2. Changes in SMM after CRT Stable Moderate Loss Moderate Gain Large Loss Large gain Change in SD ± 1SD ≥ 1SD to < 2SD ≥ 1SD to < 2SD ≥ 2SD ≥ 2SD SMA range (cm 2 ) >24.33 to <42.45 ≤24.33 to >18.22 ≥42.45 to <51.56 ≤18.22 ≥51.56 N (%) 91 (38.7) 129 (54.9) 13 (5.5) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) Legend table 2: Abbreviations: SMM: skeletal muscle mass, CRT: chemoradiotherapy, SD: standard deviation, SMA: skeletal muscle area Table 3 shows the characteristics of patients with stable SMM versus patients with loss in SMM (moderate and large loss) and gain in SMM (moderate and large gain). Patients with loss in SMMwere more likely to have a BMI ≥25kg/m 2 compared to patients with stable SMM (p<0.01).