
304 CHAPTER 16 Table 2. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis for analyzing variables associated with overall survival in OPSCC patients Variable Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis (*) Model 1 Model 2 HR 95% CI P-value HR 95% CI P-value HR 95% CI P-value Low SMM 1.76 1.02-3.04 0.04* 1.28 0.68-2.22 0.50 - - - Sarcopenic obesity 2.44 1.05-5.69 0.04* - - - 3.16 1.31-7.63 0.01* Risk group Low Intermediate High Ref. 0.90 3.11 0.35-2.31 1.61-6.01 0.82 0.001** Ref. 0.81 2.31 0.31-2.11 1.14-4.68 0.66 0.02* Ref. 0.882.56 0.34-2.30 1.30-5.06 0.79 0.007** Age (years) 1.02 0.99-1.04 0.17 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 20-24.9 <20 25-30 ≥30 Ref. 1.36 0.56 0.77 0.73-2.54 0.29-1.09 0.35-1.68 0.33 0.09 0.51 Weight loss 6 months prior to diagnosis (%) 0 <10% ≥10% Ref. 1.56 3.28 0.85-2.85 1.76-6.11 0.15 0.0001** Ref. 1.43 2.62 0.76-2.69 1.38-4.98 0.27 0.003** Ref. 1.62 3.05 0.86-3.05 1.61-5.78 0.14 0.001** ACE-27 score Non Mild Moderate Severe Ref. 2.08 2.97 4.74 0.93-4.68 1.38-6.36 2.05-10.98 0.08 0.005** 0.0001** Ref. 1.97 2.43 4.08 0.87-4.45 1.12-5.29 1.75-9.52 0.10 0.03* 0.001** Ref. 1.95 2.27 3.86 0.86-4.41 1,04-4.92 1.65-9.06 0.11 0.04* 0.002** TNM stage I II III IV Ref. 0.94 2.39 2.10 0.28-3.21 0.79-7.25 0.75-5.86 0.92 0.13 0.16 Legend: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed), (*) Model 1 includes the variables; low SMM (SMM), HPV-related risk group, age, BMI, percentage weight loss 6 months prior to diagnosis, ACE-27 score and TNM-stage. Model 2 includes sarcopenic obesity, HPV-related risk group, age, BMI, percentage weight 6 months prior to diagnosis, ACE-27 score and TNM-stage.