
320 CHAPTER 17 Appendix 1. (Continued). t 1 t 2 2013/2014 n = 14 2017/2018 n = 40 2013/2014 n = 14 2017/2018 n = 29 Trismus No 11 (85) 28 (76) 11 (79) 24 (83) Yes 2 (15) 9 (24) 3 (21) 5 (17) Unknown 1 3 0 1 Perceived trismus No 9 (82) 28 (78) 11 (85) 27 (93) Yes 2 (18) 8 (22) 2 (15) 2 (7) Unknown 3 4 1 0 Speech and voice outcomes Vowel Space Area (%) Median (range) 81 (59-99) 75 (49-100) 86 (58-96) 71 (51-102) Vowel Space Area < 80% No 5 (50) 14 (39) 7 (58) 6 (24) Yes 5 (50) 22 (61) 5 (42) 19 (76) Unknown 4 4 2 4 SHI total score (0–120) Median (range) 0 (0-7) 4 (0-60) 0 (0-22) 0 (0-40) SHI ≥ 6 No 6 (86) 9 (56) 9 (82) 12 (92) Yes 1 (14) 71 (44) 2 (18) 1 (8) Unknown 7 24 3 16 NB: Not all percentages sum up exactly to 100% due to rounding. Abbreviations: FOIS = functional oral intake scale, HPV = human papillomavirus, SHI = speech handicap index, t1 = six months after treatment, t2 = twelve months after treatment. In total, pretreatment data was assessed of 142 patients curatively treated with primary RT (+) for OPC. A further 34 patients had to be excluded due to missing follow-up data (11 patients withdrew, 3 patients did not receive a follow-up appointment, 15 had recurrent/residual dis- ease, 1 developed second primary in the lung within the first six months post treatment, and 5 died (due to aspiration pneumonia, abdominal sepsis, sudden death, peritonitis or bleeding during alcohol abuse). This left 108 patients for inclusion in the current analysis. Ninety-nine patients (92%) were present at t 1 and 71 patients (66%) at t 2 with 62 patients (57%) present at all three assess - ments. In figure 2 the reasons for loss to follow-up are presented. Median follow-up time at t 1 was 6 months (range 2 months to 9 months) and 12 months (range 8 to 18 months) at t 2.