
330 CHAPTER 17 TRISMUS OUTCOMES Trismus outcomes are presented in figure 3b and table 3. The percentage of patients with tris - mus significantly worsened from t 0 to t 1 and improved from t 1 to t 2, however, not to baseline levels. Perceived trismus followed the same trend, however, not all patients with objective trismus (mouth opening < 36 mm) perceived their mouth opening as impaired (figure 3b). Trismus outcomes stratified by treatment modality are presented in figure 4b and appendix 4. Patients treated with RT+ had and perceived more post treatment trismus compared to patients treated with RT only. Table 3. Trismus outcomes at t0, t1 and t2. P values shown for Friedman testa, Cochran’s Q testb, Wilcoxon signed rank testc or McNemar testd. ↑ indicating more problems and ↓ indicating less problems. Total P value t 0, t 1, t 2 P value t 0 to t 1 P value t 1 to t 2 P value t 0 to t 2 t 0 n = 108 t 1 n = 99 t 2 n = 71 Observer-rated outcomes Mouth opening in mm Median (range) 48 (18-65) 45 (16-63) 43 (10-64) <.001 a <.001 c ↑ .497 c <.001 c ↑ Trismus No 98 (94) 68 (77) 55 (80) .006 b <.001 d ↑ 1.000 d .039 d ↑ Yes 6 (6) 20 (23) 14 (20) Unknown 4 11 2 Patient-rated outcomes Perceived trismus No 87 (97) 67 (82) 56 (89) .082 b .022 d ↑ .065 d .453 d Yes 3 (3) 15 (18) 7 (11) Unknown 18 17 8 NB: Not all percentages sum up exactly to 100% due to rounding.Abbreviations: FOIS = functional oral intake scale, NGT = nasogastric tube, PRG = percutaneous radiological gastrostomy, t0 = pretreatment, t1 = six months after treatment, t2 = twelve months after treatment Table 4. Speech and voice outcomes at t0, t1 and t2. P values shown for Friedman testa, Cochran’s Q testb, Wilcoxon signed rank testc or McNemar testd. ↑ indicatingmore problems and ↓ indicating less problems. Total P value t 0, t 1, t 2 P value t 0 to t 1 P value t 1 to t 2 P value t 0 to t 2 t 0 n = 108 t 1 n = 99 t 2 n = 71 Observer-rated outcomes Vowel Space Area (%) Median (range) 85 (51-129) 79 (49-107) 77 (51-112) . 014 a . 015 c ↑ .137 c .002 c ↑ Vowel Space Area < 80% No 59 (63) 37 (49) 24 (42) .050 b .210 d .344 d .019 d ↑ Yes 35 (37) 39 (51) 33 (58) Unknown 14 23 14 Patient-rated outcomes SHI Median (range)