
341 Systemic therapy: skeletal muscle mass and functional outcomes HPV STATUS Appendix 9 shows the baseline characteristics stratified by HPV status. Compared to patients with an HPV negative tumor, patients with an HPV associated tumor had a higher BMI, higher SMI, lower T classifications, higher N classification, were more often treated with RT only, and had less often a modified diet at baseline. Functional outcomes at t 0, t 1 and t 2 stratified by HPV status are presented in figure 5 and appendix 10. As presented in figure 5a, at t 1 and t 2, patients with an HPV negative tumor more often had a modified diet compared to patients with an HPV positive tumor. Also, SWAL-QOL scores were higher in the HPV negative group at both t 1 and t 2. The prevalence of trismus was comparable between in het HPV negative and positive group at t1 and at t 2 HPV negative patients had less often trismus compared to HPV positive patients. Patients with an HPV negative tumor had slightly worse speech and voice outcomes, especially at t 1. After adjusting for T and N classification, treatment and pretreat - ment modified diet, none of the differences were statistically significant, except at t 2, patients with an HPV positive tumor had a smaller mouth opening. Figure 5. Percentage of patients with a modified diet (FOIS < 7) (a), trismus (b) or speech problems (vowel space area < 80%) (c) at t0, t1 and t2 stratified by HPV status. Appendix 9. Baseline characteristics stratified by HPV status. P values shown for Mann-Whitney U testa, linear-by-linear approximation of the Pearson’s Chi-square testb or Fisher’s exact Testc. HPV - n = 33 HPV + n = 70 P value Gender Male 20 (61) 50 (71) .366 c Female 13 (39) 20 (29) Age at baseline Median (range) 62 (44-75) 62 (39-79) .511 a ACE-27 0 14 (42) 38 (54) .151 b 1 13 (39) 24 (34) 2 3 (9) 7 (10) 3 3 (9) 1 (1) BMI Median (range) 24 (17-33) 26 (17-44) .001 a SMM Median (range) 41 (27-54) 45 (22-64) .031 a Sarcopenia No 14 (42) 43 (61) .090 c Yes 19 (58) 27 (39) 17