
344 CHAPTER 17 SARCOPENIA Appendix 11 shows the baseline characteristics stratified by pretreatment sarcopenia. Patients with pretreatment sarcopenia were more often female, had a lower BMI, higher T-classifica - tions, higher disease stages, more often an HPV negative tumor, andmore often had amodified diet at baseline compared to patients without pretreatment sarcopenia. All outcomes strat - ified by pretreatment sarcopenia are presented in figure 6 and appendix 12. As presented in figure 6a, pretreatment sarcopenia was associated with more modified diet at all timepoints. Also, at t 0 and t 1, SWAL-QOL scores were higher in patients with sarcopenia, indicating more swallowing related problems. At t 2, SWAL-QOL scores were comparable. Trismus outcomes were comparable between patients with and without sarcopenia at t0, t1 and t2. Prevalence of objective speech problems (vowel space area below 80%) was comparable at t0 and t1, but higher in patients with sarcopenia at t2. Patient reported speech problems, however, were more prevalent in patients with sarcopenia. After adjusting for AJCC stage and pretreatment modified diet, only modified diet and the total SWAL-QOL score at t 1 were significantly higher in patients with pretreatment sarcopenia. Figure 6. Percentage of patients with a modified diet (FOIS < 7) (a), trismus (b) or speech problems (vowel space area < 80%) (c) at t0, t1 and t2 stratified by pretreatment sarcopenia. Appendix 11. Baseline characteristics stratified by pretreatment sarcopenia. P values shown for Mann- Whitney U test a , linear-by-linear approximation of the Pearson’s Chi-square test b or Fisher’s exact Test c . No sarcopenia N = 59 Sarcopenia N = 49 P value Gender Male 57 (97) 16 (33) < .001 c Female 2 (3) 33 (67) Age at baseline Median (range) 61 (39-81) 63 (47-79) .095 a ACE-27 0 29 (49) 24 (49) 1.000 b 1 21 (36) 16 (33) 2 6 (10) 8 (16) 3 3 (5) 1 (2) BMI Median (range) 26 (18-44) 23 (17-35) < .001 a Oropharyngeal tumor site Base of tongue 22 (37) 13 (27) .112 b Tonsil 31 (53) 26 (53)