
368 CHAPTER 18 Table 2. General characteristics of the study patients by the presence of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia N (%) Without sarcopenia N (%) Likelihood Ratio p-value (LR) Age (years) 70-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 >90 7 8 12 5 9 43.8 32 48 62.5 81.8 9 17 13 3 2 56.3 68 52 37.5 18.2 8.82 0.08 BMI (kg/m 2 ) ≤18.5 18.5-25 25-30 ≥30 3 17 14 7 100 56.7 46.7 31.8 - 13 16 15 - 43.3 53.5 68.2 7.70 0.07 MUST-score <2 ≥2 31 10 47.0 52.6 35 9 53.0 47.4 0.19 0.80 Smoker No Yes Former 18 7 16 60 77.8 34.8 12 2 30 40 22.2 65.3 8.37 0.02* Pack-years 1-20 21-40 41-60 ≥61 5 3 2 4 62.5 30 50 57.1 3 7 2 3 37.5 70 50 42.9 2.26 0.55 Alcohol use No Former Current ≤ 2 units/day ≥ 2 units/day 17 4 17 3 60.7 50 45.9 25 11 4 20 9 39.3 50 54.1 75 4.57 0.23 CCI ≤6 >6 11 30 34.3 56.6 21 23 65.6 43.4 4.00 0.07 TNM-stage I II III IV 5 8 7 21 45.4 42.1 43.8 53.8 6 11 9 18 54.5 57.9 56.3 46.2 0.94 0.84 Treatment intention Curative Palliative 32 9 45.1 64.3 39 5 54.9 35.7 1.74 0.25 Radiotherapy No Yes, primary Yes, adjuvant 24 8 9 49 42.1 52.9 25 11 8 51 57.9 47.1 0.45 0.87