
369 The elderly head and neck cancer patient: sarcopenia and survival Table 2. (Continued) Sarcopenia N (%) Without sarcopenia N (%) Likelihood Ratio p-value (LR) Surgery No Yes 12 29 54.5 46 10 34 45.5 54 0.47 0.62 Synchronous tumor No Yes 40 1 50 20 40 4 50 80 1.82 0.36 Metachronous tumor No Yes 40 1 49.4 25 41 3 50.6 75 0.95 0.62 Recurrence No Yes 35 6 47.3 54.5 39 5 52.7 45.5 0.20 0.65 Dead No Yes 20 21 38.5 63.6 32 12 61.5 36.4 5.17 0.03* SMI Low High 41 - 59.4 28 16 40.6 100 24.54 <0.01** HGS Low High 35 6 70 17.1 15 29 30 82.9 24.57 <0.01** Gait speed Low High 37 4 63.8 14.8 21 23 36.2 85.2 19.14 <0.01** Legend: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) Table 3. Hematological and biochemical markers of the study patients by the presence or absence of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia (mean, SD) Without Sarcopenia (mean, SD) Mean difference (SD) 95% CI p-value Hb (mmol/L) 8.09 (1.06) 8.67 (1.12) -0.58 (0.26) -1.10- -0.05 0.03* CRP (mg/L) 9.93 (15.10) 8.12 (11.86) 1.81(3.38) -4.93-8.56 0.59 Leukocytes (x10^9/L) 10.78 (8.24) 8.15 (2.45) 2.63(1.44) -0.25-5.51 0.07 Albumin (g/L) 39.56 (2.28) 40.98 (2.53) -1.42 (1.14) -3.83-0.99 0.23 Creatinine (mmol/L) 87.55 (30.95) 95.38 (51.06) -7.84 (10.43) -28.65 -12.98 0.46 Legend: *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) 18