
372 CHAPTER 18 Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier overall survival curves and number at risk table for patients with low gait speed and high gait speed showed no statistically significant difference (Log rank Chi-Square 1.95; p=0.16) Gait speed (GS) and overall survival (OS) T= 0 T=12 T=24 T=36 Low gait speed 48 24 10 3 High gait speed 23 16 9 1 Figure 4. Kaplan-Meier overall survival curves and number at risk table for patients with and without sarcopenia showed statistically significant difference (Log rank Chi-Square 5.50; p=0.02) Sarcopenia and overall survival (OS) T= 0 T=12 T=24 T=36 Sarcopenia 32 16 7 1 Without Sarcopenia 39 24 12 3