
393 The elderly head and neck cancer patient: sarcopenia and frailty Table 4. (Continued) Sarcopenia Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI P-value <10% 0.82 0.22-3.06 0.77 ≥ 10% 2.52 0.45-14.13 0.29 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 0.97 0.86-1.08 0.56 TNM Stage I Ref. II 0.20 0.04-1.12 0.07 III 0.39 0.10-1.58 0.19 IV 0.46 0.14-1.49 0.20 G8 Frailty No Ref. Ref. Yes 2.84 1.10-7.34 0.03** 2.81 1.06-7.43 0.04** DISCUSSION This retrospective study, conducted in 150 patients with HNC, showed that there is an associa - tion between sarcopenia and frailty as assessed by the G8. There is also a significant but weak correlation between sarcopenia and frailty, based on the G8 frailty screening instrument. To our knowledge, this study is the first that used the novel definition of the EWGSOP for sarco - penia, defined as skeletal muscle mass and muscle function, and its correlation with frailty screening questionnaires in patients with HNC. Zwart et al. found also a low but significant correlation between skeletal muscle mass, defined as SMI, and frailty (r = 0.38, P < 0.001). 11 In contrast to our study, they defined sarcopenia based on only SMI. We included muscle function as well. In our study, skeletal muscle mass, defined as SMI, was more significantly associated with G8 frailty screening compared to sarcopenia, defined as the combination of skeletal muscle mass and muscle function. Based on both studies, skeletal muscle mass may be interchangeable with the G8 frailty screening questionnaire. However, G8 is a more global assessment and sarcopenia looks at a very specific geriatric syndrome. Moreover, at this moment G8 is easier to collect from patients than manually analyzing a CT scan using specific software. Since a comprehensive geriatric assessment takes about 60-90 minutes, and more impor- tantly, not all patients will necessarily benefit from a CGA, a short prognostic tool that can separate fit older patients, who can receive standard cancer treatment, from vulnerable pa- tients, who may benefit from a CGA and need tailoring of their treatment regimens would be of use. G8 is a fast-screening tool of only eight simple questions and has a high sensitivity for diagnosing frailty, but a poor specificity and negative predictive value. 10 Fast assessment of skeletal muscle mass on CT needs specific software and takes about 5-10 minutes, limit - 19