
408 CHAPTER 20 as the GFI defined 38 (52%) patients frail. An overview of the characteristics of patients are listed in table 2. Table 2.1. Characteristics of patients with and without sarcopenia Total Sarcopenic Non sarcopenic χ 2 p-value N=73 N=24 N=49 Age (years) (M, SD) 81.73 6.24(SD) 83.7 5.73(SD) 80.24 6.21(SD) NA 0.03 Gender (n, %) Male 33 45 10 42 23 47 0.18 0.67 Female 40 55 14 58 26 53 Weight loss 6 months prior to diagnosis (n, %) Non 46 63 15 63 31 63 0.39 0.82 <10% 20 27 6 25 14 29 ≥ 10% 7 10 3 13 4 8 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 26.80 5.70(SD) 25.12 4.99(SD) 27.92 4.49(SD) NA 0.02 Smoker (n, %) No 25 34 11 46 14 29 2.60 0.27 Former 40 55 10 42 30 61 Current 8 11 3 13 5 10 MUST score (n, %) 0 53 72 18 75 35 71 0.53 0.77 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 19 26 6 25 13 27 Alcohol use (n, %) No 25 34 9 38 16 33 1.34 0.72 Yes 41 56 14 58 27 55 Former 7 10 1 4 6 12 Charlson comorbidity index (n, %) Low ≤ 6 27 37 6 25 21 43 2.20 0.14 High > 6 46 63 18 75 28 57 Localization (n, %) Oral cavity 46 63 14 58 32 65 12.28 0.58 Nasopharynx 2 3 1 4 1 2 Oropharynx 2 3 0 0 2 4 Hypopharynx 3 4 1 4 2 4 Larynx 7 10 2 8 5 10 Salivary glands 3 4 2 8 1 2 Skin 8 11 3 13 5 10