
411 The elderly head and neck cancer patient: skeletal muscle mass and frailty Table 2.2. (Continued) Total Frail Non frail χ 2 p-value N=73 N=39 N=34 Age (years) (M, SD) 81.73 6.24(SD) 83.49 6.47(SD) 78.96 5.03(SD) NA 0.002 Larynx 7 10 2 5 5 15 Salivary glands 3 4 2 5 1 3 Skin 8 11 5 13 3 9 Paranasal sinuses 2 2 1 3 1 3 Type of tumor (n, %) Primary 56 77 28 72 28 82 5.78 0.06 Recurrent 11 15 5 13 6 18 Second primary 6 8 6 15 0 0 TNM Stage (n, %) I 8 11 5 13 3 9 1.05 0.79 II 19 26 11 28 8 24 III 14 19 6 15 8 24 IV 32 44 17 44 15 44 Low Muscle strength (n, %) No 40 55 20 51 20 59 0.42 0.52 Yes 33 45 19 49 14 41 Low SMI (n, %) No 15 21 4 10 11 32 5.43 0.02 Yes 58 79 35 90 23 68 Frailty Fried criteria (n, %) No 52 71 20 51 32 94 16.27 0.000 Yes 21 29 19 49 2 6 Frailty GFI (n, %) No 35 50 9 23 26 76 20.75 0.000 Yes 38 52 30 77 8 24 Sarcopenia (n, %) No 49 67 22 56 27 79 4.36 0.04 Yes 24 33 17 44 7 21 BMI= Body Mass Index. MUST= Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool. SMI= Skeletal Muscle Index. GFI= Groningen Frailty Indicator. CGA= Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment UNIVARIATE AND MULTIVARIATE LOGISTIC REGRESSION Table 3.1 shows the univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis with sarcopenia as the dependent variable. The univariate regression analysis with sarcopenia as dependent variables distinguished age at diagnosis (OR 3.39, 95% CI 1.51-9.99, P=0.027), BMI (OR 0.87, 20