
415 The elderly head and neck cancer patient: skeletal muscle mass and frailty than for fit patients, this may have resulted in selection bias. Also, both CT and MRI imaging are used to for the assessment of SMI, tomaximize the number of patients that could be included. This could raise concerns but these two different imaging modalities show significant correla - tion in quantifying SMI when measured by CSA at the level of C3. 33 A strength of our study is that all of the muscle tissue was manually performed by a single researcher who was blinded for outcome regarding frailty and sarcopenia. Because an excellent inter-observer agreement for SMI measurement at the level of C3 was demonstrated, these SMI measurements findings can be used globally to select patients fort suitable therapy. 34 In conclusion there is an association between sarcopenia and frailty defined by CGA. Low muscle mass, based on SMI, may be able to predict some CGA domain outcomes in older pa - tients with HNC and is easier to use and implement then a CGA. These findings should ideally be validated in a larger, prospective cohort study. 20