
455 Dankwoord Dear consultant Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons of the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham, Dear mr. S. Parmar, dear Sat, dear mr. T.J. Martin, dear Tim, dear mr. Praveen, dear Prav, dear mr. M. Idle, dear Matthew, dear mr. R. Elledge, dear Ross and dear head and neck surgical oncology fellow mr. O. Breik, dear Omar, thank you all very much for my pleasant time at your department as a research fellow. Although I admit that I was a bit (okay not a bit, but very-very much more than a bit) scared to start a research project at a whole new department abroad, especially with such excellent and well-known surgeons, your OMFS team definitely made me feel comfortable at your department from the very first day. I will never forget the days that I could be the DJ at the theatre and played the famous Cheb Khaled song, or that we ate pizza at the OMFS lunch break room between cases or the English breakfast together at the restaurant after ward rounds and before theatre, or the excellent movie reviews from the consultant Anaesthetist Natish and mr. Parmar, or the moment we took over the cinema with the whole OMFS team to watch the premiere of Star Wars: the rise of Skywalker, or that dear Dee who I always saw at the theaters knew I really loved her red lipstick went searching for it in the stores to buy me one! Or Ross who could do excellent imitations – and who made Malta a must-see destination on my ‘countries to visit list’ due to his infectious enthusiasm and obviously also the Maltese accent. I could fill the pages with the good memories I have of my time at your department. And although I came as a research fellow, you would always take the time to teach me about your cases and the technical aspects of reconstructive flap surgery. Thank you very very much! Dear mr. Parmar, dear Sat, I would like to thank you especially, I really admire the combination of your excellent surgical skills with your modest calm attitude with ultimate kindness with patients, the other consultants, the theatre staff, the registrars, the receptionist, the restaurant staff, in short everyone, you treat everyone with the same ultimate kindness, I really admire that immensely! dear Omar, you were a head and neck surgical oncology fellow at the OMFS department in QE - with obvious, can’t be missed- Australian roots, but.. after all those hours and hours and hours of research together you almost took over my Dutch accent, at least you learned the words ‘’datum van diagnose’’, thank you for the many laughs together, the good talks with very good coffee from Costa’s, our ‘’motivational-coaching- club’’ to encourage everyone to read our favorite books which not always worked out exactly as planned. Really admired your intrinsic motivation to become an excellent head and neck surgeon, your inexhaustible energy, your 24/7 positive attitude – you were never grumpy- never, not even a second- is that even possible as a fellow?- big inspiration! Good luck with your career in Australia. Dear Aiysha and Jie, words could not describe howmuch I appreciate the friendship I have build with you girls, although the NHS working hours were like crazy for you guys, you’ve always found time to showme the nice places of Birmingham, to come grab a drink, to eat at the most de-li-cious places, go shopping and ofcourse to play VR games – major fan of VR gaming now because of it-. I’am so proud that all three of us got accepted in our dream job! We will definitely see each other soon!! 22