
49 Diagnostics: measuring skeletal muscle mass on CT and MRI Figure 1. Scatterplot of the correlation between CSA measurements on CT and MRI Figure 2. Bland-Altman Plot showing the mean difference (straight line) and 95% limits of agreement (dotted lines) between CSA measurement on CT and MRI The main finding from this study is that the two different imaging modalities CT and MRI show significant correlation in quantifying SMMwhen measured by CSA at the level of C3. In a study on liver transplant patients a significant intraclass correlation coefficient between CT and MRI to measure CSA at L3 was found. 21 Consistent with this, measurements based on MRI and CT can also be used interchangeably for measuring CSA at the level of C3. This knowledge con - tributes to the growing knowledge concerning the role of SMM in head and neck oncology and could be used to conduct further research using both CT and MRI for the assessment of SMM. 3