
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General introduction Aim and outline of this thesis 11 PART I IMAGE-BASED ANALYSIS OF SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS CHAPTER 2 Validation of skeletal muscle mass assessment at the level of the third cervical vertebra in patients with head and neck cancer 31 CHAPTER 3 Agreement between skeletal muscle mass measurements using computed tomography imaging andmagnetic resonance imaging in head and neck cancer patients 45 CHAPTER 4 The association of muscle segmentation of the musculus masseter andmuscle segmentation at the level of the third cervical and lumbar vertebrae 53 CHAPTER 5 Cut-off values for low skeletal muscle mass at the level of C3 in patients with head and neck cancer 75 PART II THE PREDICTIVE AND PROGNOSTIC IMPACT OF LOW SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS IN SURGICALLY TREATED HEAD AND NECK CANCER PATIENTS CHAPTER 6 Low skeletal muscle mass is a strong predictive factor for surgical compli- cations and prognostic factor for survival in oral cancer patients undergoing mandibular reconstruction with a free fibula flap 93 CHAPTER 7 Association of low skeletal muscle mass and systemic inflammation with surgical complications and survival after microvascular free flap head and neck reconstruction 111 CHAPTER 8 Are perioperative complications in patients operated for oral squamous cell carcinoma associated with low skeletal muscle mass? 141 CHAPTER 9 Arterial calcification and low skeletal musclemass are independent risk factors for pharyngocutaeneous fistula formation after total laryngectomy 157 PART III THE PREDICTIVE AND PROGNOSTIC IMPACT OF LOW SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER PATIENTS TREATED WITH CHEMO- OR BIORADIOTHERAPY CHAPTER 10 Image-based analysis of skeletal muscle mass predicts cisplatin dose-limiting toxicity in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer 179 CHAPTER 11 Pre-treatment low skeletal muscle mass is associated with chemotherapy dose-limiting toxicity in head and neck cancer patients undergoing primary chemoradiotherapy with high dose cisplatin 197 CHAPTER 12 The predictive and prognostic value of low skeletal muscle mass for dose- limiting toxicity and survival in head and neck cancer patients receiving concomitant cetuximab and radiotherapy 217