
64 CHAPTER 4 Table 3. Masseter muscle parameters left-right deviation. Measurement Total MCSA Median (IQR) [Range] (mm 2 ) 33.8 (16.7 – 61.1) [0.0 - 184.6] MV Median (IQR) [Range] (cm 3 ) 1.0 (0.5 - 2.3) [0.02 - 5.4] MT Median (IQR) [Range] (mm) 1.0 (0.5 – 1.9) 1.0 [0.0 - 8.0] HU tot Median (IQR) [Range] 4.7 (1.5 - 9.0) [0.0 - 374.0] HU ROI Median (IQR) [Range] 9.7 (4.3 – 18.5) [0.1 - 548.9] Illustration of the deviation between the left and right-sides masseter parameters in individual patients. All variables are shown as median values with interquartile range (IQR) and range. MCSA = Masster cross sectional area, MV = Masseter volume, MT = Masseter maximum thickness, HUtot (tot in lowerscript) = The total HU-value of the measured tissue, HUroi (roi in lowerscript) = The HU value of a 1cm diameter circle in the measured tissue. Generally, there was some amount of left-right difference present. The deviations are shown as median (percentage of average masseter characteristic). The median left-right difference for MCSA, MV, MT, HU tot and HU ROI were 33.78 mm 2 (8.55%), 0.99 cm 3 (5.45%), 1.0 mm (7.67%), 4.70 HU (4.09%) and 9.70 HU (16.62%) respectively (Table 3). There was a significant difference in left-right deviation of median MV and HU tot for different scattering scores (p < 0.001; Table 4). MV and HU tot had a significant negative relationship with dental score (p = 0.017 and 0.010, respectively; Table 5). CORRELATION BETWEENMASSETER PARAMETERS ANDMUSCLEMASSMEASURED AT C3 AND L3 All masseter andmuscle mass parameters had a highly significant correlation with each other (p = 0.002 to p < 0.001). The strongest correlation was between L3 CSA - C3 CSA (r = 0.715), fol - lowed by C3 CSA – MV (r = 0.671) and L3 CSA – MV (r = 0.573). MT was moderately correlated to C3 CSA (r = 0.527) and L3 CSA (r = 0.439), and low to LSMI (r = 0.342). MCSA had low tomoderate correlation with L3 CSA and C3 CSA (r = 0.469, 0.573). MSMI had a low correlation with LSMI, L3 CSA and C3 CSA (r = 0.291, r = 0.193, r = 0.349, respectively; Table 6)).